Dream Field See-Saw
Sound of the Week Sound ee. Week Lesson for eewritten. Katrina. Lybbert. Language. sound this week is the vowel combination ee as in seed. Emphasize. the ee sound often throughout the day. Have your child repeat the. Put. up your sound wall poster. Dream Field See-Saw' title='Dream Field See-Saw' />Previous years 2016 Portage Librisa Breeze Mitchum Swagger 2015 Gm Hopkins Temptress Chil The Kite 2014 Field Of Dream Chil The Kite Steeler 2013. Dream Field See-Saw' title='Dream Field See-Saw' />The. Trees. Books. to read aloud that support the theme A. Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry. Acorn. to Oak Tree by Barbara Reid. Be. a Friend to Trees by Patricia Lauber. Outside. and Inside Trees by Sandra Markle. Have. You Seen Trees The American Dream Reconsidered Shtf Youtube Guns. Top 10 Survival Skills You Need to Know THE AMERICAN DREAM RECONSIDERED Step By Step Watch. Joanne Oppenheim. Sky. Tree by Thomas Locker. The. Alphabet Tree by Leo Lionni. The. Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco. Tell. Me, Tree All About Trees for Kids by Gail Gibbons. Old. Elm Speaks Tree Poems by Kristine OConnell George. Poems. that support the theme The. Tree by Delmar Pepper Search by the title or author at www. Trees. by Joyce Kilmer. Songs. that support the theme The. Green Grass Grew All AroundIf. There Were No TreesHandwriting. Dream Field See-Saw' title='Dream Field See-Saw' />Assignments Day 1 Practice. Day 2 Practice. Day 3 Practice. Day 4 Practice. Day 5 Practice. Activities. andor Art Projects. Start. a Sound of the Week TREE. On a very large sheet of paper glue on. Then. start making green leaves to stick on the tree. Each of these leaves. So this week. you would add leaves for ck and ee. As you learn a new sound. Go. on a nature walk and look at all the different trees in your neighborhood. If it is autumn, collect some leaves to bring back home. Or maybe. Other. Theme Words and Ideas. Other. theme words reef, seed, weed, knee, green, sleep, deep, keep, peek a boo. Extreme Series Core. Books. to read aloud that support the other theme words or the vowel combination. Seed Grows by Helene J. Jordan. From. Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons. Coral. Reefs by Susan H. Gray. Coral. Reefs by Sylvia A. Earle. I. Wish that I had Duck Feet by Theo. Le. Sieg. Sheep. in a Jeep by Nancy E. Shaw. Poems. that support the other theme words or the vowel combination ee Bees. Rebus RhymeTo. a Bee by Maud Keary from Enchanted. Tulips and Other Verses for ChildrenSongs. Head. Shoulders, Knees and ToesIts. Not That Easy Being GreenDeep. Heart of TexasChim. Chim Cher eeSong. BeeMore. Related Sounds to Explore OptionalThe. Vista Activation Aio more. You can spend time now exploring these sounds if you wish. Follow. BackCopyright. Katrina Lybbert. All rights reserved. Email. webmasterletteroftheweek.