Sound Level Meter Device Pdf

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Sound pressure Wikipedia. This article is about the measurement of audible sound. For the music album, see Sound Pressure Level. Sound pressure or acoustic pressure is the local pressure deviation from the ambient average, or equilibrium atmospheric pressure, caused by a sound wave. In air, sound pressure can be measured using a microphone, and in water with a hydrophone. Optimum performance requires correctly setting the gain structure of sound systems between all components to achieve the very best sound. Ling tower, or blower. Ironmental protection or his or. B ATTENUATOR. Extends Dynamic Range of High Frequency Meter. Is the High Frequency Meter too sensitive for your application This Attenuator reduces sensitivity. Arnie, good of you to weigh in. Possibly you could see very low frequency brain waves, like the theta waves, on a meter. But you would be seeing brain activity, not. View and Download True METRIX AIR owners booklet online. SELF MONITORING BLOOD GLUCOSE SYSTEM. METRIX AIR Blood Glucose Meter pdf manual download. Poetic Devices Poetry is the kind of thing poets write. Robert Frost Man, if you gotta ask, youll never know. Louis Armstrong A POET IS LIMITED in. The SI unit of sound pressure is the pascal Pa. Mathematical definitionedit. Sound pressure diagram. A sound wave in a transmission medium causes a deviation sound pressure, a dynamic pressure in the local ambient pressure, a static pressure. Sound pressure, denoted p, is defined byptotalpstatp,displaystyle pmathrm total pmathrm stat p,whereptotal is the total pressure pstat is the static pressure. Sound measurementseditSound intensityeditIn a sound wave, the complementary variable to sound pressure is the particle velocity. Together they determine the sound intensity of the wave. Sound intensity, denoted I and measured in Wm2 in SI units, is defined by. AN INTRODUCTION TO WELL DRAWDOWN TO FIND THE DRAWDOWN OF A WELL, YOU MUST KNOW the distance from the surface to the water level in the well This chapter will review. Sound Level Meter Noise Level Meter. A sound level meter is a measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound levels by measuring sound pressure. Often. A sound level meter is used for acoustic sound that travels through air measurements. It is commonly a handheld instrument with a microphone. Figure 6. 1. Sound level meter block diagram 6 SOUND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Professor J. Malchaire Unit Hygine et Physiologie du Travail Universit Catholique de. Ipv,displaystyle mathbf I pmathbf v ,wherep is the sound pressure v is the particle velocity. Acoustic impedanceeditAcoustic impedance, denoted Z and measured in Pam3s in SI units, is defined by2ZspsQs,displaystyle Zsfrac hat pshat Qs,where. Specific acoustic impedance, denoted z and measured in Pam1s in SI units, is defined by2zspsvs,displaystyle zsfrac hat pshat vs,where. Particle displacementeditThe particle displacement of a progressive sine wave is given byr,tmcoskrt,0,displaystyle delta mathbf r ,tdelta mathrm m cosmathbf k cdot mathbf r omega tvarphi delta ,0,where. It follows that the particle velocity and the sound pressure along the direction of propagation of the sound wave x are given byvr,ttr,tmcoskrt,02vmcoskrtv,0,displaystyle vmathbf r ,tfrac partial delta partial tmathbf r ,tomega delta mathrm m cos leftmathbf k cdot mathbf r omega tvarphi delta ,0frac pi 2rightvmathrm m cosmathbf k cdot mathbf r omega tvarphi v,0,pr,tc. Taking the Laplace transforms of v and p with respect to time yieldsvr,svmscosv,0sinv,0s. Sound Level Meter Device Pdf' title='Sound Level Meter Device Pdf' />Since v,0p,0displaystyle varphi v,0varphi p,0, the amplitude of the specific acoustic impedance is given byzmr,szr,spr,svr,spmvmc. Consequently, the amplitude of the particle displacement is related to that of the acoustic velocity and the sound pressure bymvm,displaystyle delta mathrm m frac vmathrm m omega ,mpmzmr,s. Inverse proportional laweditWhen measuring the sound pressure created by an object, it is important to measure the distance from the object as well, since the sound pressure of a spherical sound wave decreases as 1r from the centre of the sphere and not as 1r. This relationship is an inverse proportional law. If the sound pressure p. The inverse proportional law for sound pressure comes from the inverse square law for sound intensity Ir1r. Irpropto frac 1r2. Indeed,Irprvrprpz1rp. Irprvrprpz 1rpropto p2r,wherehence the inverse proportional law pr1r. The sound pressure may vary in direction from the centre of the sphere as well, so measurements at different angles may be necessary, depending on the situation. An obvious example of a sound source whose spherical sound wave varies in level in different directions is a bullhorn. Sound pressure leveleditSound pressure level SPL or acoustic pressure level is a logarithmic measure of the effective pressure of a sound relative to a reference value. Sound pressure level, denoted Lp and measured in d. B, is defined by4Lplnpp. Np2log. 10pp. 0 B2. B,displaystyle Lpln leftfrac pp0rightmathrm Np 2log 1. B 2. 0log 1. B ,where. The commonly used reference sound pressure in air is6p. Pa,displaystyle p02. Pa ,which is often considered as the threshold of human hearing roughly the sound of a mosquito flying 3 m away. The proper notations for sound pressure level using this reference are Lp2. Pa or Lp re 2. 0 Pa, but the suffix notations d. B SPL, d. BSPL, d. BSPL, or d. BSPL are very common, even if they are not accepted by the SI. Most sound level measurements will be made relative to this reference, meaning 1 Pa will equal an SPL of 9. B. In other media, such as underwater, a reference level of 1 Pa is used. These references are defined in ANSIS1. ExampleseditThe lower limit of audibility is defined as SPL of 0 d. B, but the upper limit is not as clearly defined. While 1 atm 1. 94 d. B Peak or 1. 91 d. B SPL is the largest pressure variation an undistorted sound wave can have in Earths atmosphere, larger sound waves can be present in other atmospheres or other media such as under water, or through the Earth. Ears detect changes in sound pressure. Human hearing does not have a flat spectral sensitivity frequency response relative to frequency versus amplitude. Humans do not perceive low and high frequency sounds as well as they perceive sounds between 3,0. Hz, as shown in the equal loudness contour. Because the frequency response of human hearing changes with amplitude, three weightings have been established for measuring sound pressure A, B and C. A weighting applies to sound pressures levels up to 5. B, B weighting applies to sound pressures levels between 5. B and 8. 5 d. B, and C weighting is for measuring sound pressure levels above 8. B. 1. 0In order to distinguish the different sound measures a suffix is used A weighted sound pressure level is written either as d. BA or LA. B weighted sound pressure level is written either as d. BB or LB, and C weighted sound pressure level is written either as d. BC or LC. Unweighted sound pressure level is called linear sound pressure level and is often written as d. BL or just L. Some sound measuring instruments use the letter Z as an indication of linear SPL. DistanceeditThe distance of the measuring microphone from a sound source is often omitted when SPL measurements are quoted, making the data useless. In the case of ambient environmental measurements of background noise, distance need not be quoted as no single source is present, but when measuring the noise level of a specific piece of equipment the distance should always be stated. A distance of one metre 1 m from the source is a frequently used standard distance. Because of the effects of reflected noise within a closed room, the use of an anechoic chamber allows for sound to be comparable to measurements made in a free field environment. According to the inverse proportional law, when sound level Lp. Lp. 2 at the distance r. Lp. 2Lp. 12. 0log. B. displaystyle Lp2Lp12. B. Multiple sourceseditThe formula for the sum of the sound pressure levels of n incoherent radiating sources is. L1. 0log. 10p. B1. B. displaystyle LSigma 1. Robert Palmer Heavy Nova Rapidshare. B 1. 0log 1. B. Inserting the formulaspip. Li. 10d. B,i1,2,n,displaystyle leftfrac pip0right21. TRUE METRIX AIR OWNERS BOOKLET Pdf Download. Manufactured by Fort Lauderdale, FL 3. U. S. A. 2. 01. Nipro Diagnostics, Inc. TRUE METRIX and the Nipro Diagnostics logo are trademarks of Nipro Diagnostics, Inc. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. SELF MONITORING BLOOD GLUCOSE SYSTEM Fast Test Guide 2 simple steps INSERT APPLY TEST STRIP BLOOD SAMPLE For quick reference only, not intended as a substitute for complete instructions. Please read entire Owners Booklet and product Instructions for Use before testing. Expected Results for people without diabetes Plasma Blood Glucose Result Before eating. INTRODUCTION TRUE METRIX AIR Self Monitoring Blood Glucose System TRUE METRIX AIR is a simple, accurate way to test your whole blood glucose sugar level, anytime, anywhere. Our goal is to provide quality healthcare products and dedicated customer service. For questions about TRUE METRIX products, visit our web site at www. The TRUE METRIX Self Monitoring Test Strips are for use with the TRUE METRIX AIR Self Monitoring Meter to quantitatively measure glucose sugar in fresh capillary whole blood samples drawn from the fingertip or forearm. The TRUE METRIX AIR Self Monitoring Meter measures the current, detects, analyzes and corrects for hematocrit and temperature, and calculates the glucose result. For the most accurate results using TRUE METRIX AIR Read all product instructions for use before testing. Use of TRUE METRIX AIR in a manner not specified in this Owners Booklet is not recommended and may affect ability to determine true blood glucose levels. The TRUE METRIX AIR Self Monitoring Blood Glucose System is for one person use ONLY. DO NOT share your meter or lancing device with anyone, including family members. IMPORTANT INFORMATION cont. If you have symptoms of low or high blood glucose, check your blood glucose immediately. If your result does not match the way you feel, repeat the test. If your results still do not match the way you feel, call your Doctor or Healthcare Professional. How to Test Control Solution. Testing your Blood Obtaining a Blood Sample. How to Test Blood. TRUE METRIX AIR System and Laboratory Testing. Results Out of System Range Warning Messages. Meter Set Up Set Time and Date. Set Bluetooth. Care, CleaningDisinfecting and Troubleshooting Caring for TRUE METRIX AIR. Changing Battery. Troubleshooting. Display Messages. System SpecificationsChemical Composition. About Bluetooth Smart. Meter Warranty. System Safety Information Electromagnetic Compatibility. Blood Glucose Monitoring System Components. References. Know Your System Meter Top of Meter Button Decrease numbers in Meter Set Up add ALT Symbol move backward by datetime when viewing results and Averages in Memory scroll through Event Tags to mark results if feature on. Front of Meter Back of Meter Display Screen Shows results, messages, user prompts, information. Test Port Insert TRUE METRIX Test Strip here, contact blocks facing up. Strip Release Button Releases test strip after testing for disposal. Battery Door Use one non rechargeable 3. V lithium battery CR2. Full Display Screen 1. Result is from Memory 2. Time, Date 3. Time is AMPM 4. Bluetooth Symbol and Event Tag Symbols 5. Result is 7, 1. 4, 3. Average 6. Test Result 7. Control Symbol 8. Test Strip Top of Test Strip Contact End Insert into Test Port with contact blocks facing up. Sample Tip Bring Tip of test strip to top of sam ple drop blood or control solution after Drop Symbol appears in the Display. Test Strip Vial Label May 3. Lot Number LOT Used for identification when calling for assistance. Expiration Dates EXP Write date first opened on vial label. Discard vial and unused test strips if either 4 months after first opening or date printed next to EXP on vial label has passed, whichever comes first. Control Solution Control Control Solution Bottle Label Lot Number LOT Used for identification when calling for assistance. Expiration Dates EXP Write date first opened on bottle label. Discard bottle if either 3 months after first opening or date printed next to EXP on bottle label has passed, whichever comes first. Getting Started Meter comes with pre set time and date, and Bluetooth Smart feature on. The Event Tag feature, Ketone Test Alert, and all Test Reminders are off. Before using the meter for the first time or after a battery change, check the time, date, Bluetooth Smart, Event Tags, Alert and Reminders, and update as needed see Meter Set Up. Getting Started cont. Event Tags allow you to tag your blood glucose results to link to the following events Before meal test was taken just before a meal, After meal test was taken 2 hours after the start of a meal, Exercise. Quality Control Testing To assure you are getting accurate and reliable results, TRUE METRIX AIR offers two kinds of quality Control Tests. These tests let you know that your System is working properly and your testing technique is good. Automatic Self Test. Note It is important to perform Control Tests with more than one level of control solution. Three levels of TRUE METRIX Control Solution are available for Control Tests. Call 1 8. 00 8. How to Test Control Solution Use ONLY TRUE METRIX Control Solution with the TRUE METRIX AIR Self Monitoring Meter and TRUE METRIX Self Monitoring Test Strips. Check dates on control solution label and test strip vial label. Do not use control solution or test strips if expiration dates have passed. Insert test strip into Test Port. Meter turns on. Note If test strip has been out of the vial too long before testing, an error message appears upon insertion of the test strip into the meter. Contact Blocks Face Up Release and discard old test strip. With test strip still in meter, touch Sample Tip of test strip to top of drop of control solution. Allow drop to be drawn into test strip. Remove test strip from drop when meter beeps. Dashes appear across the Display to show meter is testing. Caution If Control Test result is outside range, test again. If result is still outside range, system should not be used for testing blood. Call 1 8. 00 8. After result is shown, Strip Release Button ashes. Obtaining a Blood Sample WARNING The TRUE METRIX AIR Self Monitoring Blood Glucose System is for one person use ONLY. DO NOT share your meter or lancing device with anyone, including family members. Do not use on multiple patientsObtaining a Blood Sample cont. Refer to lancing device Instructions for Use for detailed instructions. Never share lancets or lancing device. Lancets are for single use only. Do not re use. Do not use venous blood for testing. To help prevent false high results, wash hands before using the system to test blood, especially after fruit has been handled. From Forearm Important Notes Regarding Forearm Testing Check with your Doctor or Healthcare Professional to see if forearm testing is right for you. Results from forearm are not always the same as results from fingertip. Always perform testing using fingertip samples under the following conditions Within 2 hours of eating, exercise, or taking insulin, If your blood sugar may be rising or falling rapidly. Recap and remove lancet from lancing device. Caution The used lancet may be biohazardous. Please discard it carefully according to your healthcare providers instructions. How to Test Blood 1.