Language Tools
English language tools are the key to learn English language as easy as one wants. These tools include a wide range of resources to make ones leaning experience the. Music Cataloging at Yale Musicspecific. Common terms used in German publications and thematic indices The names of numbers in French, German, Italian, and. You can add a language to Windows Setup by adding the Windows Setup language resources to the Windows distribution sources. Remote Server Administration Tools. Through dynamic integration of Chinese language instruction in every stage of the undergraduate educational path, WKUs federally funded Chinese Flagship Program is. LanguageTool Style and Grammar Checker Wiki. Adding a new language to automatic language detection. Edit Tags History Files Print Site tools Options. The Cinematic Orchestra Everyday. Google Translate Wikipedia. Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service developed by Google, to translate text from one language into another. It offers a website interface, mobile apps for Android and i. OS, and an API that helps developers build browser extensions and software applications. Google Translate supports over 1. May 2. 01. 7, serves over 5. Launched in April 2. United Nations and European Parliament transcripts to gather linguistic data. Rather than translating languages directly, it first translates text to English and then to the target language. During a translation, it looks for patterns in millions of documents to help decide on the best translation. Its accuracy has been criticized and ridiculed on several occasions. In November 2. 01. Google announced that Google Translate would switch to a neural machine translation engine Google Neural Machine Translation GNMT which translates whole sentences at a time, rather than just piece by piece. It uses this broader context to help it figure out the most relevant translation, which it then rearranges and adjusts to be more like a human speaking with proper grammar. Originally only enabled for a few languages in 2. Programming Language Tools. Semantic Designs offers offtheshelf software development support tools for a wide variety of programming languages. GNMT is gradually being used for more languages. FeatureseditGoogle Translate can translate multiple forms of text and media, including text, speech, images, sites, or real time video, from one language to another. It supports over 1. Language Tools' title='Language Tools' />May 2. For some languages, Google Translate can pronounce translated text,7 highlight corresponding words and phrases in the source and target text, and act as a simple dictionary for single word input. If Detect language is selected, text in an unknown language can be automatically identified. If a user enters a URL in the source text, Google Translate will produce a hyperlink to a machine translation of the website. Users can save translations in a phrasebook for later use. For some languages, text can be entered via an on screen keyboard, through handwriting recognition, or speech recognition. Browser integrationeditGoogle Translate is available in some web browsers as an optional downloadable extension that can run the translation engine. In February 2. 01. Google Translate was integrated into the Google Chrome browser by default, for optional automatic webpage translation. Mobile appseditThe Google Translate app for Android and i. OS supports more than 1. The Android app was released in January 2. IOS on February 8, 2. A January 2. 01. 1 Android version experimented with a Conversation Mode that allowed users to communicate fluidly with a nearby person in another language. Originally limited to English and Spanish, the feature received support for 1. October. 1. 9In January 2. Googles acquisition of the Word Lens app. The original January launch only supported seven languages, but a July update added support for 2. Conversation Mode translations. In May 2. 01. 1, Google announced that the Google Translate API for software developers had been deprecated and would cease functioning. The Translate API page stated the reason as substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse with an end date set for December 1, 2. In response to public pressure, Google announced in June 2. API would continue to be available as a paid service. Because the API was used in numerous third party websites and apps, the original decision to deprecate it led some developers to criticize Google and question the viability of using Google APIs in their products. Google AssistanteditGoogle Translate also provides translations for Google Assistant and the devices that Google Assistant runs on such as Google Home and Google Pixel Buds. Supported languageseditThe following languages are supported in Google Translate. Method of translationeditIn April 2. Google Translate launched with a statistical machine translation engine. Google Translate does not apply grammatical rules, since its algorithms are based on statistical analysis rather than traditional rule based analysis. The systems original creator, Franz Josef Och, has criticized the effectiveness of rule basedalgorithms in favor of statistical approaches. It is based on a method called statistical machine translation, and more specifically, on research by Och who won the DARPA contest for speed machine translation in 2. Och was the head of Googles machine translation group until leaving to join Human Longevity, Inc. July 2. 01. 4. 3. According to Och, a solid base for developing a usable statistical machine translation system for a new pair of languages from scratch would consist of a bilingual text corpus or parallel collection of more than 1. Statistical models from these data are then used to translate between those languages. To acquire this huge amount of linguistic data, Google used United Nations and European Parliament transcripts. Google Translate does not translate from one language to another L1 L2. Instead, it often translates first to English and then to the target language L1 EN L2. When Google Translate generates a translation, it looks for patterns in hundreds of millions of documents to help decide on the best translation. By detecting patterns in documents that have already been translated by human translators, Google Translate makes intelligent guesses as to what an appropriate translation should be. Before October 2. Arabic, Chinese and Russian, Google Translate was based on SYSTRAN, a software engine which is still used by several other online translation services such as Babel Fish now defunct. Since October 2. 00. Google Translate has used proprietary, in house technology based on statistical machine translation instead. Google Neural Machine TranslationeditIn September 2. Google led by the software engineer Harold Gilchrist announced the development of the Google Neural Machine Translation system GNMT to increase fluency and accuracy in Google Translate23. November announced that Google Translate would switch to GNMT. Google Translates neural machine translation system uses a large end to endartificial neural network capable of deep learning,23. GNMT improves the quality of translation because it uses an example based machine translation EBMT method in which the system learns from millions of examples. It translates whole sentences at a time, rather than just piece by piece. It uses this broader context to help it figure out the most relevant translation, which it then rearranges and adjusts to be more like a human speaking with proper grammar. GNMTs proposed architecture of system learning was first tested on over a hundred languages supported by Google Translate. Math Board Game Names'>Math Board Game Names. With the end to end framework, the system learns over time to create better, more natural translations. The GNMT network is capable of interlingual machine translation, which encodes the semantics of the sentence rather than simply memorizing phrase to phrase translations,3. GNMT was first enabled for eight languages to and from English and Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. In March 2. 01. 7, it was enabled for Hindi, Russian and Vietnamese languages,4. Indonesian, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu languages in April.