Install Centos 7 Via Serial Console
Distribution Disk Images, Linux filesystems ready to use. This reference guide is a work in progress. The source for this guide can be found in the srcmainasciidoc directory of the HBase source. This reference guide is. Similarly to the Windows 10 Creators Update, the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update FCU delivers a large number of improvements and features in the Windows. Create and upload a Cent. OS based Linux VHD in Azure. This article assumes that you have already installed a Cent. OS or similar derivative Linux operating system to a virtual hard disk. Multiple tools exist to create. Hyper V. For instructions, see Install the Hyper V Role and Configure a Virtual Machine. In Hyper V Manager, select the virtual machine. Click Connect to open a console window for the virtual machine. In Cent. OS 6, Network. Manager can interfere with the Azure Linux agent. Uninstall this package by running the following command sudo rpm e nodeps Network. Manager. Create or edit the file etcsysconfignetwork and add the following text NETWORKINGyes. OEz70/UC5S4LmX2SI/AAAAAAAACT0/oJnFTOtr0Xo/s1600/7.jpg' alt='Install Centos 7 Via Serial Console Software' title='Install Centos 7 Via Serial Console Software' />HOSTNAMElocalhost. Create or edit the file etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg eth. DEVICEeth. 0. BOOTPROTOdhcp. Modify udev rules to avoid generating static rules for the Ethernet interfaces. These rules can cause problems when cloning a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure or Hyper V sudo ln s devnull etcudevrules. Ensure the network service will start at boot time by running the following command sudo chkconfig network on. If you would like to use the Open. Install Centos 7 Via Serial Console AppInstall Centos 7 Via Serial Console ServersLogic mirrors that are hosted within the Azure datacenters, then replace the etcyum. Cent. OS Base. repo file with the following repositories. This will also add the openlogic repository that includes additional packages such as the Azure Linux agent openlogic. Cent. OS releasever openlogic packages for basearch. Cent. OS releasever Base. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 6. released updates. Cent. OS releasever Updates. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 6. additional packages that may be useful. Cent. OS releasever Extras. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 6. additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages. Cent. OS releasever Plus. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 6. contrib packages by Centos Users. Cent. OS releasever Contrib. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 6. Note The rest of this guide will assume you are using at least the openlogic repo, which will be used to install the Azure Linux agent below. Add the following line to etcyum. Run the following command to clear the current yum metadata and update the system with the latest packages yum clean all. Unless you are creating an image for an older version of Cent. OS, it is recommended to update all the packages to the latest sudo yum y update. A reboot may be required after running this command. Optional Install the drivers for the Linux Integration Services LIS. Important. The step is required for Cent. OS 6. 3 and earlier, and optional for later releases. OK. Alternatively, you can follow the manual installation instructions on the LIS download page to install the RPM onto your VM. Install the Azure Linux Agent and dependencies sudo yum install python pyasn. WALinux. Agent. The WALinux. Agent package will remove the Network. Manager and Network. Manager gnome packages if they were not already removed as described in step 3. Modify the kernel boot line in your grub configuration to include additional kernel parameters for Azure. To do this, open bootgrubmenu. Sketchup Plugins 2D Tools here. S0 earlyprintktty. S0 rootdelay3. 00. This will also ensure all console messages are sent to the first serial port, which can assist Azure support with debugging issues. In addition to the above, it is recommended to remove the following parameters rhgb quiet crashkernelauto. Graphical and quiet boot are not useful in a cloud environment where we want all the logs to be sent to the serial port. The crashkernel option may be left configured if desired, but note that this parameter will reduce the amount of available memory in the VM by 1. MB or more, which may be problematic on the smaller VM sizes. Important. Cent. OS 6. See Red Hat KB 4. Ensure that the SSH server is installed and configured to start at boot time. This is usually the default. Do not create swap space on the OS disk. The Azure Linux Agent can automatically configure swap space using the local resource disk that is attached to the VM after provisioning on Azure. Note that the local resource disk is a temporary disk, and might be emptied when the VM is deprovisioned. After installing the Azure Linux Agent see previous step, modify the following parameters in etcwaagent. Resource. Disk. Formaty. Resource. Disk. Filesystemext. Resource. Disk. Mount. Pointmntresource. Cel Mai Bun Program De Facut Muzica 2012 there. Resource. Disk. Enable. Swapy. Resource. Disk. Swap. Size. MB2. 04. NOTE set this to whatever you need it to be. Run the following commands to deprovision the virtual machine and prepare it for provisioning on Azure sudo waagent force deprovision. HISTSIZE0. Click Action Shut Down in Hyper V Manager. Your Linux VHD is now ready to be uploaded to Azure. Preparing a Cent. OS 7 virtual machine for Azure is very similar to Cent. OS 6, however there are several important differences worth noting In Hyper V Manager, select the virtual machine. Click Connect to open a console window for the virtual machine. Create or edit the file etcsysconfignetwork and add the following text NETWORKINGyes. HOSTNAMElocalhost. Create or edit the file etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg eth. DEVICEeth. 0. BOOTPROTOdhcp. NMCONTROLLEDno. Modify udev rules to avoid generating static rules for the Ethernet interfaces. These rules can cause problems when cloning a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure or Hyper V sudo ln s devnull etcudevrules. If you would like to use the Open. Logic mirrors that are hosted within the Azure datacenters, then replace the etcyum. Cent. OS Base. repo file with the following repositories. This will also add the openlogic repository that includes packages for the Azure Linux agent openlogic. Cent. OS releasever openlogic packages for basearch. Cent. OS releasever Base. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 7. released updates. Cent. OS releasever Updates. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 7. additional packages that may be useful. Cent. OS releasever Extras. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 7. additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages. Cent. OS releasever Plus. RPM GPG KEY Cent. OS 7. Note The rest of this guide will assume you are using at least the openlogic repo, which will be used to install the Azure Linux agent below. Run the following command to clear the current yum metadata and install any updates sudo yum clean all. Unless you are creating an image for an older version of Cent. OS, it is recommended to update all the packages to the latest sudo yum y update. A reboot maybe required after running this command. Modify the kernel boot line in your grub configuration to include additional kernel parameters for Azure. To do this, open etcdefaultgrub in a text editor and edit the GRUBCMDLINELINUX parameter, for example GRUBCMDLINELINUXrootdelay3. S0 earlyprintktty. S0 net. ifnames0. This will also ensure all console messages are sent to the first serial port, which can assist Azure support with debugging issues. It also turns off the new Cent. OS 7 naming conventions for NICs. In addition to the above, it is recommended to remove the following parameters rhgb quiet crashkernelauto. Graphical and quiet boot are not useful in a cloud environment where we want all the logs to be sent to the serial port. The crashkernel option may be left configured if desired, but note that this parameter will reduce the amount of available memory in the VM by 1. A blog by Jonathan Frappier. In part 4 we published an application blueprint through Application Serivces, that is pretty awesome but we still really havent done anything just yet. I mean its all just about working but the real hard part is creating the application blueprints. Just for fun, lets create a generic blueprint and run a deployment. While logged into Application Services go to Applications and click on the green plus button to create a new application. Name the application and select a business group, if youve followed along my various home lab series you would select Star. Wars here since it is the only business group we gave permission to in v. Realize Automation. Click save, click Create Application Version then click Save. Now you are able to create a blueprint click Create Blueprint. Drag the logical template to the design pane, again if youre following along with me this would be the Cent. OS 6. 4 logical template. Now all this would do is create a virtual machine like you could do through v. Realize Automation or v. Sphere here however we also have several preconfigured services we can drag into our logical template to install applications. Lets do a typical single node web and database server. Drag Apache, v. Fabric Rabbit. MQ and and v. Fabric Postgres into the logical template, it should look something like this. Now one of the hardest parts about automating something is now all the dependencies. In this scenario I happen to know a few things are missing, not because I am a genius but because I went through several iterations of this blueprint before getting it to work. This, however also allows me to demo some other features of Application Services. In my Cent. OS template, SELinux is enabled now I could convert my template to a virtual machine, disable it, clean up the virtual machine machine again and convert it back to a template. Its what I would have done not 6 8 months ago. Now, however, Ill simply use the tools available to me, tools like Application Services or Ansible to put the virtual machine into the state I want it From the Application Components page, drag two script items into the logical template. Edit the first script by clicking on it name it no spaces, click on Actions, click Click here to Edit, copy the following into the window and click the reboot checkboxbinbashset SELinux disabledcp etcselinuxconfig etcselinuxconfig. SELINUXpermissiveSELINUXdisabledg etcselinuxconfig. SELinux will now be disabled upon reboot. We also have to tweak the EPEL install to allow it to pull data properly seems to be a known issues right now. Rather than letting the EPEL package install as part of the services we used earlier, we can also do that in a script and configure the options we need for it to work. Edit the 2nd script as you did before but copy the following into the windowbinbashinstall EPELyum y install http dl. Click the OK button, you should now see something like this Now click the deploy button, name the deployment, and select the business group. Click Map Details, ensure all details match what you have setup, and click Next. Provide a name to your virtual machine and edit CPU and memory as needed and to match your v. RA blueprint limits click Next. Review the deployment blueprint and click Next. Click the deploy button you could also publish to v. RA here as we did in part 4, but Im just demonstrating the deploymentThe deployment will start. Now at one point I wasnt sure it was working, I could see Application Services say it was working system was under 8. I wanted to see what v. Sphere was doing. As you an see in the two screenshots below, the virtual machines are being deployed as you might expect they are from two different deployments so yes the dates are different.