Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2
This Korean film plants farfetched action in realworld events. Why We Love FilmCapture means how an image or data is acquired. After its caught, either on film or with digital capture, all of them are workable and archivable and printable in a computer, since all my film is scanned at the time of development. If I capture on film, it all goes into the same digital workflow, archive and backup plan. The only difference is less work, less expense, better looking files and more fun with film capture. Film capture also gives me the option of a second, parallel workflow that both gives me a second set of permanent, eternally legible backups the film itself, as well as the freedom to edit, print and project directly from the film if I so choose. Dynamic Range You want dynamic rangeI got your dynamic range right here in this little canister. Its called film a write once, read many WORM medium. I made this shot on a Contax G2 with a 2. Zeiss lens at f8 on Fuji Velvia 5. NCPS. The dynamic range is so great that the hellacious sunbursts you see are just whats naturally coming off the diaphragm blade at f8, as if 1,0. P 2017 Online Movie King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword. Not only that, but the film I shot in a Canon EOS Rebel G film camera, worth about 2. NCPS than the file I made with the same lens on a Canon 5. D, which is sharper still than anything on earth from Nikon digital. How about that A 2. The Contax cost more, but still loads less than anything in full frame digital. Film vs. Digital. A frame of 3. 5mm film, scanned cheaply at a good photo lab to a CD, is about equal to the resolution of a 2. MP DSLR. If you want to compare actual optical prints, which lets film look much better than simply scanning it, ISO 1. Leica M8. When doing film vs. I prefer to compare like to like, and compare larger formats of film, as shot by most pros, to the DSLRs used by most pros. Ive never bothered to compare. I was shooting a 1. Palm Oil Tree Vector. Kodak Retina IIIc, and out of curiosity had some automated 5,0. NCPS. Just for laughs, since these scans looked so good, I shot the same thing with my 2. YdLMfeXHrjg/VO8RKavBRBI/AAAAAAAAAPE/2vesgEE8DYQ/s1600/crazy2.png' alt='Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' title='Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' />Nikon D3 that cost me 5,0. AFS lens that cost me 1,7. Kodak. The 1. 95. Schneider Retina Xenar on Fuji Velvia 5. Nikons state of the art digital Hee hee One day Ill have to shoot a modern camera and have a real scan made from 3. Ill even compare to the current state of the art in 3. The blockbuster director has a reputation for being obsessive and writing strong female characters. As the 3D version of Terminator 2 hits screens, he talks about. Capture means how an image or data is acquired. After its caught, either on film or with digital capture, all of them are workable and archivable and printable in. Pajiba Sweetened by Mock, Lightened by Droll. Heres an alphabetical listing of all our Film A Little Chaos Review Alan Rickman And Kate Winslet Reunite For A. Canon, and is also better than Nikon. Digital is easier and cleaner, but even 3. The Retina camera and its meter both work without batteries. Roll mouse over to see how far weve regressed in s 5. This Kodak Retina IIIc cost me only 7. Bay, complete with German lens and working meter. So it goes. Film The Immortal Medium of the Masters. Digital Profit center for large foreign corporations. Kodak Retina IIIc. Want an explanation See Film Resolution. Ease of Use. Now that its been less than a month since I discovered how easy it is to get great quality digital files directly from professional transparency film at the same time its developed, some bigots have had a problem with how great film is. Today I can drop my Velvia at NCPS, and a few hours later, all my film is processed, scanned at higher resolution than a digital camera, and ready to use. NCPS does mail order, too. Bingo I now can shoot film as fluidly as a digital camera. The big block between film and getting it scanned so we can do something useful with it has gone away. I have all the quality, artistic, economic and logistical advantages of film, and all the speed and flexibility of digital. Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' title='Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' />Get exclusive film and movie reviews from THR, the leading source of film reviews online. We take an honest look at the best and worst movies Hollywood has to offer. V_yq-Z9-_0/TonX4BnYDUI/AAAAAAAAABc/eUC0-5BPY5g/s1600/crazy-little-thing-called-love-part-2-divx_001415480.jpg' alt='Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' title='Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' />Whoo whoo It the old days the late 1. We had to work exclusively with film, and pick and choose the few images we wanted scanned to digital. This was a pain, and the scans were only of so so quality unless we wanted to send them out for 5. PMT scanners. Digital SLRs replaced film for newspapers in 1. Today, 9. 9 of amateurs use DSLRs. This is because DSLRs have been the fastest and most convenient way to get digital files of moderate quality, and the immediate LCD feedback helps newcomers to the hobby see what they are doing as they do it. DSLRs are all fine and dandy if you dont mind blowing a few grand every other year just to stay current, but DSLRs cost more in other ways. Every time a bigot sends me hate mail about how expensive film is, I also have to point out that I blew 6,0. Mac and 3. 0 monitor in 2. With film, no computer is required just print optically, or bring your scan CDs back to the lab for printing and editing on their kiosk, and with film, you dont shoot all the thousands of deleted rejects people do so blindly with digital cameras. Ive spent thousands of dollars more on digital gear than Ive ever spent on film and film cameras. If you shoot sports, action and people, by all means shoot a digital SLR. Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' title='Film A Little Thing Called Love Part 2' />On the other hand, if youre shooting nature, landscapes and weird stuff to create great art, film has always been the way to go. Film takes more skill to get right, but when you do, its magnificent. Why is it the same dweebs who obsess about pixels all day reading about it at work send me hate mail when I point out that even 3. DSLR Pointing out how even crappy film cameras can whup expensive digital cameras is something they dont want to hear. Funny, but since its so easy to shoot film for superior results today, these people still clinging to their DSLRs are the newest Luddites. Why do we love film Let me count just a few of the many, many ways. Technical Superiority Why is it that the only reason most people give for using digital cameras is that you can erase the bad pictures, for freeIt seems digital cameras are all about the freedom to make pictures that suck, at no cost. I dont know about you, but I prefer to make good photos. I dont take them when I already know theyre going to suck. Thats why film shooters make better pictures we only take the good ones Better Colors. Tufa under Pinatubian Light. Transparency films reproduce a far wider gamut than any digital display or print medium. Look at a Velvia slide on a light table, and youll see deep, deep vivid reds. Your computer screen or print media cant make these reds all you get digitally are reddish oranges. Cibachrome, you can get these deep, true reds. It Just Looks Better. No digital display medium can match the brightness and vividness of a transparency on a light table. My cheap light table measures 8. Lamberts of luminance brightness, while my 3. Apple Cinema Display, which is the brightest computer monitor Ive ever used, measures only 1. Lamberts cranked to its maximum. Fuji Velvia has a real display contrast range of 1. Max 4. 0 log 1. 0 means. No digital display comes close. This is why slides jump off a light table the whites are ten times brighter, and the blacks are far darker. A slide simply has a higher display gamma than prints or computer monitors. No Dadblasted Noise Reduction no differential texture problems All digital cameras use electronic noise reduction NR to smudge over details to reduce noise. This reduces noise, and also reduces texture and detail. Mouse over to see the dulling effects of noise reduction. Crop from center of above. Roll your mouse over the crop to see the effects of noise reduction in a typical DSLR. NR is smart enough to leave the edges alone, so digital photos always look sharp, but NR usually smoothes over the subtle textures that only film can capture. This is usually OK for color work, but unacceptable for black and white.