Awesome Kong You Shoot I Shoot

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We should probably tell you that the Donkey Kong of today the one seen happy and healthy in all the current Nintendo games Rare made a very specific point of. Without repeating my entire preview here, I would say in a nutshell what makes the X100T a great camera It feels right when you hold it, it feels right when you put. Classic Games You Didnt Know Had WTF Backstories. Pdf For Html Tags Free Download. Via Vgmastersclub. What we thought was going on Its single player Tetris pong. Digi Internet Prepaid Limited Edition. This can have a storyAwesome Kong You Shoot I ShootAwesome Kong You Shoot I ShootAwesome Kong You Shoot I ShootAwesome Kong You Shoot I ShootThe WTF Backstory We were all sticky fingered, not yet Ritalin addled kids, so we were too busy mashing the start button to ever watch an intro, but if you watched the one for Arkanoid, youd know that the paddle is actually supposed to be a space craft called the Vaus, which is trapped in space warped by someone. Building Settlement Marker Installation Software'>Building Settlement Marker Installation Software. Continue Reading Below. Youd also know that Arkanoid was the name of the destroyed mothership where all of your friends and coworkers just died, and that the block breaking is actually your attempt to escape space warped some kind of metaphysical quantum hellprison which, due to graphical limitations, looks like a bunch of shipping containers in a grass field. This is basically the Event Horizon. Imprisoned and abandoned, youre forced to fight your way to Doh, the mysterious someone that initially trapped you in space warped. After 3. Doh finally appears as a giant head. Made of Jello. Continue Reading Below. So if you did just mash that start button foolishly thinking you didnt need a sci fi novel to understand your ping pong game and still managed to reach the last level, this is how it went down There you were, just cruising along, thinking youve got a pretty good sense of the game its basically just destructive handball, right and then BAM Smug space head out of nowhereWait, what Literally everything up to this point has been in block form, what the hell is this head thing Now its attacking you And if you did keep it together enough to overcome your stunned confusion and defeat the head, the game abruptly ends and this pops up And then your brain implodes. Check out 6 Glitches That Accidentally Invented Modern Gaming and our image gallery of video games as seen from the villains point of view. And dont forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get jokes sent straight to your news feed. Do you have an idea in mind that would make a great article Then sign up for our writers workshop Do you possess expert skills in image creation and manipulation Mediocre Even rudimentaryAre you frightened by MS Paint and simply have a funny idea You can create an infograpic and you could be on the front page of Cracked.